Author Guidelines
Prepare your Manuscript
- Title of the manuscript
- Authors and Affiliations (Full name, Current institutions, Email address)
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Body
- Conclusion
- References
The authors are responsible before the Law for any issues related to copyrights and intellectual property law.
Submit your Manuscript
Before submitting your manuscript, it is your responsibility to check that your manuscript is complete, and that there are no grammatical mistakes or typographical errors.
Things to consider before submitting your manuscript:
- What is the central idea or message of your manuscript? What is important, useful, or new about it? Why do our readers need to know about it? Could it be put into practice?
- Is your writing persuasive and a pleasure to read, especially for non-specialist readers?
- Is your manuscript definitely a good fit with our aims and scope?
- Does your manuscript comply with our author guidelines? Has your manuscript followed all the formatting requirements?
All manuscripts can be submitted through our online submission system by the corresponding author.
Upon successful submission of your manuscript, you will receive a confirmation email with a Manuscript ID Number that you will use in all future correspondence about your submission.
Review & Decision Process
Each submission is checked by the Editorial Board. At this stage, your manuscript may be declined if it has poor manuscript language or fails to fit the journal aims and scope.
If your manuscript is suitable for publication in the magazine, it will be sent out for peer review. After considering feedback from the reviewers, the Editorial Board may decide to accept, request revisions, or decline your manuscript.
If your manuscript is accepted for publication, it will be published online as an Online First article. Your published article will then be compiled into an issue according to the magazine’s schedule.
Nearly all accepted articles undergo editing and rewriting, and EIU REVIEW typically holds copyright on the finished product.

Have Any Questions?
If you still have any other questions, please contact our editorial board at
How much does it cost to publish in EIU REVIEW?
Publishing an article in EIU REVIEW is free of charge.
Is my manuscript suitable for EIU REVIEW?
If you have already read the aims and scope and are still unsure whether your manuscript is suitable for EIU REVIEW, please email the editorial board at and include your manuscript’s title and abstract.
What types of articles will the EIU REVIEW accept?
Articles that discuss creative and innovative solutions to serve the community inside and outside EIU;
Articles that review the findings from author’s published scientific articles in reputable foreign or domestic scientific journals. By doing so, the author can disseminate his/her research findings that the author considers they could be beneficial for readers at EIU and the community;
Articles written on a theory or improvement initiatives that can be applied in practice;
Articles written on new research ideas;
Articles written on lessons and best practices that are drawn from past experiences and challenges of teaching, learning, scientific research, and management;
As a core university of Binh Duong’s industrial region, EIU welcomes articles on topics including, but not limited to, the actual development needs of: EIU, Becamex Group, Binh Duong Province, Binh Duong Smart City Project, and other related projects.
How do I submit my manuscript?
Where possible, authors should submit their manuscript via our Online Submission System. If you have any difficulties submitting, please contact our editorial board at
I recently submitted my manuscript to EIU REVIEW. When should I expect to receive a decision?
The average time to first decision of a manuscript is 30 calendar days.
How quickly will my accepted manuscript appear on the EIU REVIEW website?
Accepted manuscripts are typically posted on the site within two weeks of acceptance.
How can I become a reviewer for EIU REVIEW?
Please contact the editorial board by sending an email to, with a copy of your CV.